Know In Details : KARATE-DO

In my last blog we discussed on Martial Arts in details, different types of Martial Arts, how and where to start learning Martial arts. Here we will discuss one of the most popular Unarmed Martial Art ‘KARATE-DO’ and its different styles. So, let’s start our discussion. What is Unarmed Martial Arts? As we discussed earlier, these type of Martial Arts focus to use different body parts as weapons like hand, leg, fingers, knuckle, elbow, knee etc. Practitioners have to train every parts of the body to make enough strong to use as weapons. The techniques involve explosive moves such as kicks, punches, and throws. Some of the popular Unarmed Martial arts are Karate, Taekwondo, Boxing, Kick-Boxing, Kung Fu, Muay Thai, Judo, Wrestling, jujitsu, Aikido, Hapkido, Krav Maga and so many. KARATE DO: Karate-do is considered as one of the most popular martial art. Its birthplace is Japan and focused mainly on self-defense and self-discipline. Learners are taught how to control, deflec...