Weight Loss tips at Home – Easy and Sustainable
Weight Loss Tips
Over body-weight can increase the risk of various serious health
issues, like heart disease, blood pressure, diabetes etc.
It is very fast and easy to gain weight but reverse is very
tough. To lose weight safely and sustain that weight loss over time, it is essential
to make gradual, permanent, and beneficial lifestyle changes.
Here we will discuss some ways to control and reduce our body weight effectively in a layman perspective.
1. Be physically active and do exercise.
Exercise and physical activity are vital
factors for both physical and mental health. Doing these regularly in a
disciplined way is often crucial for effective weight loss.
People who are not usually physically active should start doing some activities slowly and gradually increase the amount and intensity of it. This approach is the most sustainable way to ensure that regular exercise becomes a part of their lifestyle.
You can begin by doing the following activities to increase your exercise levels:
- taking the stairs
- walking
- gardening
- dancing
- playing outdoor games
- parking farther away from a building entrance.
Apart from this, you can also start going to Gym. Cardio exercises with Weight lifting workouts are very effective to lose weight. But it should be under a qualified trainer.
Control your diet.
Your diet also crucial factor for weight
loss like physical activity. You must control and plan your diet to achieve
your goal quickly.
- Do not skip breakfast. Eat more salad, fruits, eggs etc. Do not remove the skin.
- In salad add local and seasonal fruits like cucumber, carrot, tomato, capsicum etc. It is not mandatory to eat broccoli, avocado etc. which you can’t find daily and are costlier.
- While taking fruits like cucumber, tomato, apple, do not remove the skin. Because Skin Is Super Nutritious and a great source of insoluble fibre.
- Avoid sugary drinks and packaged fruit juice. Take whole fruit. It gives you more fiber which helps to reduce weight.
- Drink hot water 20 min before and after your meals.
- Drink black coffee or green tea without sugar. But do not take in empty stomach.
- Eat slowly and mindfully. Chew the food properly. So that it will digest properly without becoming fat.
- Avoid Oily and Processed Foods. Take Healthy Foods and Snacks like whole fruits, Nuts and seeds, Vegetables, whole Grains, Hard-boiled egg etc.
- Eat Small Meals More Frequently. Have five or six smaller meals per day instead of three large ones.
- Don’t skip any meals. You can take “Breakfast like a king; lunch like a prince; dinner like a pauper”.
- Fast Intermittently.
Get Enough Sleep.
Getting enough sleep is essential for
weight loss, as well as to prevent future weight gain.
It is recommended to sleep for 7 to 9 hours
every day to ensure your body repairs properly and you can prevent obesity.
Studies have shown that sleep-deprived people are up to more likely to become obese, compared to those who get enough sleep.
4. Have patience and Be positive.
Weight loss is not so easy process. It
takes more time to burn your accumulated fat from the body. So, believe in
yourself, be Positive and have patience. Stick to your plan and follow it
without fail.
Remember, Nothing is Impossible. You can achieve your goal if you are determined, dedicated and consistent.
Thank You So Much for your time and interest for reading my blog.
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